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Photo report of electric scooter repair

ФОто отчет ремонта электросамоката

There is a free service in our electric scooter repair workshop — a photo / video report.

What it is?

Our masters dismantle the electric scooter, diagnose electric vehicles, and make a photo or video fixing the malfunction.
Often, the photo speaks very eloquently about the nature of the malfunction of the electric scooter. After the repair, the master makes the photo fixation again. Using this report, you can make sure that all work was carried out in full and with your electric scooter.

Examples of photos of the repair report:

фото отчет ремонт электросамоката 1
Демонтаж электросамоката
Ремонт электросамоката: залив.
Фото отчет ремонта электросамоката: последние фото
Чиста мотор колеса электросамоката
Ремонт электросамоката: установка мотор колеса
Чистое мотор колесо электросамоката
Чистая крышка мотор колеса электросамоката
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