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What breaks down in electric scooters? Avoid breakdowns?

What breaks down in an electric scooter

The most frequent failure is the «Bay» of the electric scooter. Got caught in the rain, got wet on the balcony, rolled in puddles – the main reasons for the penetration of moisture into the body of the electric scooter. There are several stages of damage when «Bay». The first stage, when not very wet, is the oxidation of contacts of low-current wires. Occurs on the first day after the internal elements of the electric scooter get wet. If you do not dry, then in a few days, the contacts of the BMS Board will be oxidized, copper vitriol will form on them and the Board will require replacement. And the most last stage of the «Bay» of the electric scooter is rust on the Nickel-plated battery tape. Nickel does not rust, but battery manufacturers use a soldering tape made of Nickel-coated steel instead of pure Nickel when assembling the elements, so the soldering tape of the electric scooter battery will rust.
What can I do to avoid a breakdown? First of all you need to do waterproofing electric skateboard. Preventive measures, the best! If after getting wet, your electric scooter flashes, beeps and «stands up in defense», do not try to turn it on several times. The electric scooter must be dried. After the drying process all the contacts again to make the waterproofing. I recommend that you contact the service center

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What breaks down in electric scooters? Avoid breakdowns?
What breaks down in electric scooters? Avoid breakdowns?
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