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Restoration of electric scooter. When is it profitable?

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Quite often, they turn to the repair shop for electric scooters with the question of restoring the electric scooter. When is it profitable to restore an electric scooter?
Requests are divided into 2 categories:

  1. There are 2 electric scooters, both do not work
  2. One electric scooter after the accident, which was working properly before.

Of course, it is possible to assemble from 2 non-working ones, BUT very often the same elements of the electrical circuit do not work in 2 electric scooters. When the cost of repair is no different from the usual repair of the 1st electric scooter.
It is advisable to restore an electric scooter after an accident if its cost exceeds 10 thousand rubles.
Here is a < strong>example of such a recovery.
The original settings:
Xiaomi Mijia an electric skateboard Electric Scooter M365 Pro
Electrics work properly.
Body damage: fork, steering rack-for replacement. Soundboard and motor wheel-recovery.
Cost of restoring electric scooter with work and spare parts: 8,000 rubles

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Restoration of electric scooter. When is it profitable?
Restoration of electric scooter. When is it profitable?
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