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How do I store an electric scooter?

хранение электросмоката

Incorrect storage of the electric scooter leads to breakdowns, and sometimes to the need to completely restore the scooter.
Many scooters last fall decided that careful storage is only necessary for the scooter battery.
Not only does the electric scooter battery need proper storage. An electric scooter is a complex technical device with electronic sensors. Like any electronics, the electric scooter needs careful storage.
That includes proper storage of an electric skateboard?

  1. Stable positive temperature in the room.
  2. Low temperatures lead to loss of battery power. Temperature changes will lead to condensation in electronic devices of electric scooter and as a consequence of their failure. It is necessary to store the electric scooter at a stable temperature at least above +5%.

  3. Dryness (lack of strong humidity).

  4. High humidity is the enemy of the electric scooter! Corroded metal elements, contacts and Nickel-plated tape are the consequences of storing the electric scooter in a wet room.

    The first 2 points exclude the possibility of storing the electric scooter in an unheated garage!

  5. Regular charging of the electric scooter battery.
  6. For a long service life of the electric scooter battery, not only proper storage is required, but also preventive work – recharging. Charging once every 1-2 months protects the battery capacity.

Three simple rules for storing an electric scooter will ensure that the scooter will work properly in the next season. And they will save you from expensive repairs.

What can lead to incorrect storage of the electric scooter, we will show and tell you in the next article.

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How do I store an electric scooter?
How do I store an electric scooter?
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