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Yokamura electric scooter tire service. Surprise!

шиномонтаж электросамоката

Electric scooter tire repair operation, which rarely presents surprises.
Usually surprises not thoughtfulness of models when for tire repair of an electric scooter it is necessary to disassemble a floor of a scooter and then to adjust brake system.
But the electric scooter Yokamura in this plan is technically thought out. Yokamura Electric Scooters Do not belong to the cheap price segment, < Strong > The price starts from 35-40 thousand rubles. Characteristics of the scooter justify the cost.
I was struck by the attitude to the safety and comfort of the scooter and to the brand. After removing the tire, we saw a giant camera , does not match the size of the tire . On the camera, the marking corresponds to the size of the tire, but in reality it is far from this size. But the actual non-compliance did not stop the scooter collector (the scooter is new, the owner did not give it back to the service), he showed a miracle of engineering, just somehow stuffed the camera into the tire.
The tire Assembly of the electric scooter in our workshop was completed successfully and the camera with real characteristics was installed in the tire. Everything matched the markings and the actual size of the wheel and tire.
It is hoped that the remaining components and Assembly of the electric scooter are more thoroughly tested and it will last a long time and justify its cost.
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Yokamura electric scooter tire service. Surprise!
Yokamura electric scooter tire service. Surprise!
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